Tips To Help You Move During The Soggy Seasons

They say that moving time can be one of the most stressful times in a person's life, and I started believing it after I graduated college and received a job offer on the other side of the country!. I had lived in my parents house for my entire life other than when I was away at college just an hour from home! After a brief burst of anxiety, I realized that I would miss out on my job opportunity if I didn't start getting ready to move quickly. With help from a friend who had recently moved, the process was much more simple than I expected. I am so grateful for her help that I want to "pay it back" by sharing my moving tips, along with a few good ones she gave me, on a blog! I hope I can help make your move simple!

Tips To Help You Move During The Soggy Seasons

12 September 2018
 Categories: , Blog

Moving during the wet seasons is more difficult than you might think. Not only do you have to worry about getting everything packed up inside your house, but you're going to have to find a way to get it out of your house, into a truck, transported and unloaded into your new home. So, is there anything that you can do to make moving during the wet seasons a little easier and less messy? Here, you'll find a few tips that can help.

Truck Parking

Do you have a place at both homes where the moving truck can park without worrying about getting stuck in the mud? Hopefully, you'll have an open street or driveway in which the truck can park, but if you have to get it out of the street and into the yard, then, you'll want to invest in a few sheets of plywood to set down in the yard. This will help to prevent the tires from sinking in as it is loaded and unloaded and protect the grass from being ripped up as the truck moves.

Note: The wood sheets on the ground trick can also be used to make it possible to pull a loaded dolly across the lawn without causing any damage or losing the load due to the tires sinking.

Stay Dry

Even if you only have a short distance to carry boxes from the truck to the house, you don't want to get wet. So, pick up or borrow a few pop up canopies to provide a covered walk-way from the truck to the house. These little canopies pop up and come down in just minutes, but can save you the torture of getting soaked to the bone while you get everything that you're carrying soaked in the rain.

Be Flexible

Sometimes, adjusting the dates in which you plan to move can help. For example, if they're calling for severe weather the day that you plan to move, you may be able to contact the moving service that is assisting you and push the date back. This could save you a lot of trouble with the move.

Start working to plan the perfect move even during the wet season. You can get through it without getting everything wet, including yourself, and without causing any damage to the old or new properties. Good luck with your venture – you can get through it – dry.

Contact a company like Get  A Move On for professional help.

About Me
Cross-country Moves Made Simple

They say that moving time can be one of the most stressful times in a person's life, and I started believing it after I graduated college and received a job offer on the other side of the country!. I had lived in my parents house for my entire life other than when I was away at college just an hour from home! After a brief burst of anxiety, I realized that I would miss out on my job opportunity if I didn't start getting ready to move quickly. With help from a friend who had recently moved, the process was much more simple than I expected. I am so grateful for her help that I want to "pay it back" by sharing my moving tips, along with a few good ones she gave me, on a blog! I hope I can help make your move simple!
