They say that moving time can be one of the most stressful times in a person's life, and I started believing it after I graduated college and received a job offer on the other side of the country!. I had lived in my parents house for my entire life other than when I was away at college just an hour from home! After a brief burst of anxiety, I realized that I would miss out on my job opportunity if I didn't start getting ready to move quickly. With help from a friend who had recently moved, the process was much more simple than I expected. I am so grateful for her help that I want to "pay it back" by sharing my moving tips, along with a few good ones she gave me, on a blog! I hope I can help make your move simple!

3 Tools To Help You Pack, Store, And Move Bedding And Other Linens

16 October 2017
 Categories: , Blog

No matter if you are relocating to the other side of the country or buying a home in your same city, moving can be a long, stressful process. Thankfully, proper organization and planning can help make your move to a new home more efficient and easier. When it comes to packing up your belongings, you most likely will feel overwhelmed. Considering your bedding and linens are important items for your home and family's needs, placing extra emphasis on your mattresses, sheets, comforters, quilts, and towels is imperative. Read More …

Questions To Ask Before Starting A Lawn Care Business

8 May 2017
 Categories: , Blog

Starting a lawn care business requires more than just skill and having the right tools. You also need a plan in place to handle your business's growing pains so that you are prepared for any challenges that come your way. Before starting your business, here are a few questions to answer to ensure the success of your business.   Where Are You Storing Your Equipment?  You can choose to store the lawn equipment at your home, but doing so can mean you'll lose valuable space that is needed for you and your family's personal belongings. Read More …

Tips For Using Bubble Wrap When Preparing Items For Your Move

21 April 2017
 Categories: , Articles

If you have purchased a new home, then you probably need to pack up all of your things so you can move to your new residence. Moving is a stressful task, and your stress can be reduced exponentially by simply hiring movers to take care of the heavy lifting. However, most people feel strongly about packing and boxing up their own things. This is absolutely fine with most moving companies. While packing may seem like a very easy task, some people actually use their packing materials incorrectly. Read More …

Eight Excellent Tips When Packing Your Stuff For A Move

17 April 2017
 Categories: , Blog

Moving can be a big job, but there are a few things that you can do to make packing a bit easier. Talk with moving companies when planning your move to obtain the necessary supplies, such as boxes, and to ensure you will have help on the day that you need to relocate. Eight excellent, time-saving tips when packing your stuff for a move are: 1. Use your clothing as padding. Use your clothes as padding for breakable items. Read More …

Three Packing Mistakes to Avoid

27 March 2017
 Categories: , Blog

As you prepare to pack your home for a move, it's a good idea to consider some of the packing mistakes that can make your move go less smoothly. Use this guide to help plan out your packing and avoid some of these common packing mistakes. Reusing Boxes You might have a stash of old boxes sitting in your home, but depending on their condition, they may cause problems when it comes time to move. Read More …

About Me
Cross-country Moves Made Simple

They say that moving time can be one of the most stressful times in a person's life, and I started believing it after I graduated college and received a job offer on the other side of the country!. I had lived in my parents house for my entire life other than when I was away at college just an hour from home! After a brief burst of anxiety, I realized that I would miss out on my job opportunity if I didn't start getting ready to move quickly. With help from a friend who had recently moved, the process was much more simple than I expected. I am so grateful for her help that I want to "pay it back" by sharing my moving tips, along with a few good ones she gave me, on a blog! I hope I can help make your move simple!
