3 Tips For Packing Up Your Office

They say that moving time can be one of the most stressful times in a person's life, and I started believing it after I graduated college and received a job offer on the other side of the country!. I had lived in my parents house for my entire life other than when I was away at college just an hour from home! After a brief burst of anxiety, I realized that I would miss out on my job opportunity if I didn't start getting ready to move quickly. With help from a friend who had recently moved, the process was much more simple than I expected. I am so grateful for her help that I want to "pay it back" by sharing my moving tips, along with a few good ones she gave me, on a blog! I hope I can help make your move simple!

3 Tips For Packing Up Your Office

6 May 2021
 Categories: , Blog

If you're going to move your business to a new location, it's important to have some helpful tips in mind to help you through it. Here are four of those tips that every business owner should know prior to a move.

Plan Early

The key to a successful move is going to be to plan as early as possible. An office is much more complicated to move than a home since you need to be up and running at your new location quickly to minimize downtime. You want things to be packed up early, but office workers need to stay productive up until the moving day. You need to know where everything will be packed, label boxes with where they will be moved to, and know how they will be unpacked. 

For example, you may want workers to be responsible for packing up their individual workstations, as well as equipment that they use on a daily basis. Those same employees may also be responsible for unpacking those same boxes at the new location. You'll also want to plan for how workers will be working on the moving day. Will you have a temporary workstation set up at their new location? Will they be working from home? You'll need to decide these things far in advance. 

Decide On A Budget

Commercial movers can have a huge range when it comes to budgets because there is a lot of work to be done. You'll want to set a budget for your move to decide on how much work you want the movers to do. Will they be packing and unpacking boxes? Will they be disassembling and reassembling furniture or cubicles? This can really add to the cost of the move, so make sure you account for all these additional expenses. 

Create An Inventory

You'll want to make sure that you know everything that is being packed up so that you can account for it at your new location. This can be done by creating an inventory, using numbered stickers on items that relate to a list of what you will be moving. This can help ensure that nothing was lost during the move, and if it was, you know exactly what is missing. With so many similar items in the office, a simple inventory at the end of the move will give you peace of mind that everything made it to your new location.

For more information about working with commercial movers, contact a local company.

About Me
Cross-country Moves Made Simple

They say that moving time can be one of the most stressful times in a person's life, and I started believing it after I graduated college and received a job offer on the other side of the country!. I had lived in my parents house for my entire life other than when I was away at college just an hour from home! After a brief burst of anxiety, I realized that I would miss out on my job opportunity if I didn't start getting ready to move quickly. With help from a friend who had recently moved, the process was much more simple than I expected. I am so grateful for her help that I want to "pay it back" by sharing my moving tips, along with a few good ones she gave me, on a blog! I hope I can help make your move simple!
